Hi, I'm Sajid Mollah, and I hail from a modest yet resilient background. I was raised in Saligram, a remote village nestled in the Nadia district of West Bengal, India. My family's financial situation was far from perfect, but we managed. My grandfather and father instilled in me a lifelong love of writing, and I carried that passion into my own childhood. Despite his lack of literacy, my grandpa was well-known in our hamlet for the stories he told and the songs he composed orally. I was motivated by the tales of his skill, even if I was unable to meet him in person.

In my formative years, I dove headfirst into the realm of fiction, penning poems and short stories. Until I finished college, I never stopped thinking about new ways to express myself creatively. My life changed drastically, though, as I left my village to study for civil services in Calcutta. As I immersed myself in the disciplines of the civil services syllabus, especially Indian economy and politics, fiction started to take a back seat. Public finance enthralled me as I dove deeper into these areas. I decided to get a degree in economics from NSOU so I could delve even deeper into this important subject when my interest in it grew. This is when it hit me: no amount of literary brilliance could bring about the true transformation I was hoping for. Realistic, research-based nonfiction allowed me to fulfil my lifelong dream of making a positive impact on people and the world. Being joyful is not the purpose of life. It is to have led a good life if you have been helpful, honourable, and compassionate, and your life has made a difference. I feel very moved by this statement made by Ralph Waldo Emerson. The creation of fantastical worlds is no longer my life's work; instead, I am committed to raising awareness about the pressing problems that the vast majority of humanity faces.

My current focus is on public finance research, and I intend to use my findings to bring attention to the economic hardships that the vast majority of people endure. It is my belief that governments are enacting policies that mostly benefit the richest one percent of the population, while the rest of us endure immense poverty and hardship. My goal in conducting this research and writing is to alter that. I hope that by drawing attention to these wrongs, I might pave the way for more social and economic fairness.

India's boundaries are not the only place where my words can travel. When I write, my audience is every person who faces economic difficulty. As far as I'm concerned, my job is only one little part of a larger worldwide movement to help the powerless. I used to be captivated by fiction, but now I'm more motivated by facts, analysis, and the truth.

I am determined to follow the light-filled road ahead for the sake of everyone since I can see it clearly as I gaze ahead. I have offered these heartfelt observations from the depths of my soul because this trip has had a profound impact on me, even though my life narrative is too lengthy to fit in a few pages.

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In a world where 99% of people are struggling every day with poverty, problems with money, and a quality of life that is getting worse, my new book, How Will This Hell Turn Into Heaven, will try to explain these issues and, more importantly, show how to fix them. This book, which is set to come out on August 29, goes into great detail about the political and economic policies that have caused many people to be poor and suffer across many countries.

My book is an in-depth look at how global government policies have made it possible for inequality to grow, unemployment to rise, and corruption to spread without being stopped. There is a detailed study of these problems in the first part of the book, which I think is important to understand if we want to make real changes. I talk about how dangerous radical nationalism is in modern politics by looking at the policies of Narendra Modi's BJP government in India. In this article, we talk about how changing the past and promoting a dictatorial power structure that works hand-in-hand with capitalist goals lead to a climate of exclusion, abuse, and economic manipulation.

This book isn't just about finding problems, though; it's also about how to fix them. The second part of "How Will This Hell Turn Into Heaven?" is about the policies that can be put in place to help the 99%, get rid of injustice, and make society more fair and wealthy. This part goes into more detail about democratic socialism, an idea that has its roots in British Fabian socialism and has been strengthened by the ideas of famous people such as Jawaharlal Nehru. These ideas are the basis of my case for a humane economy, which is one that puts the health and happiness of all people first, not just the wealthy few. The book also has some harsh words for capitalism, both as an economic system and as a way to fake economic growth that benefits the top 1% but leaves the rest behind. Rising inequality, income concentration, and unemployment are all clear signs of the effects of these kinds of policies. One big theme in my study of how superficial measures can hide deep societal problems is the false idea that India has the fifth-largest economy. I show how similar policies have hurt people in different countries by using case studies from around the world.

I also look at the connection between poverty, unemployment, and corruption—all of these things keep the majority of people in poverty by making them worse. By looking at the difference between real and fake economic growth, I show how our current systems are failing most people. In the end, I want to start a conversation among readers about these ideas and get them involved so that we can reach a general consensus that can force governments to follow the policies I've laid out. I'm sure that if we have the right leaders and policies, we can make this world from the hell it is now into a heaven where 99% of people can thrive. In "How Will This Hell Turn Into Heaven," democratic socialism and the humane economy are used to show a big, new way to make the world a better place. Come with me on this trip to find out how we can change history.

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How Will This Hell Turn Into Heaven?: A Political and Economic Review

How Will This Hell Turn Into Heaven?: A Political and Economic Review

How Will This Hell Turn Into Heaven?: A Political and Economic Review

How Will This Hell Turn Into Heaven? : A Political and Economic Review

How Will This Hell Turn Into Heaven? : A Political and Economic Review Buy on notionpress.com ~

Not only does this book talk about the problems in the world, but it also shows how 99% of people can live in peace, prosperity, and equality in a better tomorrow. Let's take this chance to make hell into heaven.

Sajid Mollah

Sajid Mollah

Book Author

I am A Researcher, Analyst, Writer and a Youtuber. I am interested in Social Studies And I Want to Contribute to a Creative Humane Society.